Now I’m not so full of myself as to think you are all waiting with baited breath for my next blog post — but did want to check in and let you know that between “real” work (meaning $$) and trying to pound out the book to be published this spring/early summer — I think my blogging will take a brief hiatus…but would love to hear from anyone interested in “guest” blogging. Without trying to be too directive, I will make some suggestions – but feel free to write about whatever moves you. If you are a parent, share a story about how you keep your child talking and keep talking fun. If you’re a speech therapist, share a story about your approach the speech therapy that focuses on building trust and keeping them talking rather than minimizing speech errors. If you are an adult or teen who stutters — your perspective is highly valued and I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks again for all of your support, encouraging words, and wonderful insights… hope to meet many of you this summer at FRIENDS in DC (for sure), and hopefully NSA in Forth Worth, if schedule permits…

Doreen (Dori) Lenz Holte