The Next Book: VoiceS Unearthed: The Impact of Early Intervention on Those Who Continue to Stutter

In early 2021, I started recruiting participants, recording and transcribing their stories, and mining those stories, literally line by line, to get a big picture and the long view on the impact of childhood intervention for those who continued to stutter into their teen and adults years. What role did these intervention efforts play in enhancing or detracting quality of life, both in the short term and the long-term?

Thirty two parents, mostly with children 10 years or older who stuttered, and twenty-eight adults who stutter were simply asked to “tell me your story.” Each story was a gift and I am grateful to those who took the time and effort to participate. Their comments and stories will be presented anonymously both in the book and as part of the Voice Unearthed blog site in an effort to encourage candidness and honesty. Anonymity also allows children who are represented by their parents to be able to tell their story in their own way when and if they chose to do so.

VoiceS Unearthed is being written for parents of young children just starting this journey and parents of older children who want more understanding of intervention options. VoiceS Unearthed was also written for speech therapists and students of speech therapy, professionals who are often the first stop for concerned parents including pediatricians and family practice doctors, mental health professionals including family counselors and child psychologists, and of course, for school-based professionals including teachers, special education teachers, and early childhood education staff. Adults who stutter will see themselves in the many stories shared and friends and family of those who stutter will gain insights to this mystifying challenge.

VoiceS Unearthed is in its final edit and the plan is to have it available by the end of February. In the meantime, I will start posting the interviews (anonymous, edited and condensed for length and clarity) here on my blog site.

Let’s continue our mission to keep kids talking and keep talking fun!!

