Happy spring to all of you!  If you’re still living in the midst of a giant snowbank like the one I’m staring at out my office window, this hardly seems possible.  Hopefully the calendar doesn’t lie.

This post has nothing to do with stuttering.  It’s about blogging.  I love blogging.  I hate blogging.  Blogging is hard work.  I read that I should blog something everyday, something every week, at least twice a week, at least twice a month, at minimum, once a month, etc…

The pressure is tremendous :-))

So I’m making my own rules.  I will only blog when I have something to say that I feel is important and worthwhile!    I won’t blog just to hear myself blog.

I am also working on a new WordPress blog/website (I use the term “I” loosely:-))  This will include a way to access older posts by topic and date, a list of resources that I find useful (or at least interesting), and a link to Amazon to purchase my book, Voice Unearthed: Hope, Help, and a Wake-Up Call for the Parents of Children Who Stutter, and who knows what else? 

Also, if you are receiving notices of my blog postings and are no longer interested, please don’t hesitate to let me know.  (This does not apply to family or friends — you are stuck with me.)

Thank you all for your interest and support! 

Doreen (Dori) Lenz Holte