Christopher Gajewski
Business Owner

Philadelphia, PA
I began stuttering when I first began to speak. It was a struggle at times, and it was not always easy, but I always wanted to live life on my terms. I did, and I have done very well for myself. I am usually humble by nature, but this is not the place for that.
I excelled academically all through school. I was one of the youngest non commissioned officers in the US Army Reserves at 18. My degree from University is in Journalism but life took me down different paths. I am currently a business owner and a leader in my industry, the first president of my association. I lecture to other business owners and CEO’s of international companies call me for advice and feedback. I live in my dream house with a beautiful wife and an incredible daughter, with a wealth of friends and family beyond measure.
We all have difficulties to overcome, whether it is a stutter or something else. I could have easily of used my stutter as an excuse to not do everything I wanted, but instead I chose the path to be happy and live life on my terms. Success was a by product of that choice.
My hope for your children is that they make the same choice.